The Asyra/Qest4 is very practitioner specific. Many modalities use the device. My official qualification is in naturopathic nutrition, although I have taken the foundation and intermediate courses in The Asyra/Qest4
In addition to these courses I have had the privilege to work with some master practitioners and have collaborated with them to build additional tests for The Asyra/Qest4. I have completed The Re-Ease advanced training modules 1-4 and The Auric Field foundation course for The Asyra/Qest4
The Asyra/Qest4 has the flexibility to accommodate how and what information a specific practitioner wants to glean from the client sitting in front of them. Advanced practitioners will build their own tests to gain this information required to achieve their specific goals.
My protocols work on bringing the 3 Master Planes of the Physical-Intellectual and Spiritual into unison. I therefore use tests that I have built to gain the information required to do this. It is my belief that when all three Planes are balanced only then optimum health and well- being can be gained. I believe that our energetic field that surrounds us contains the blueprint of ‘the perfect’ YOU.
The protocol that I have produced and the tools I use in my practice bring you into alignment with that blueprint.
I have a large network of brilliant and beautiful people that I work with and I may recommend you to them
if I feel it would benefit you in your process.
I only work with those who I have had a transforming or transmutational, alchemistic experience with myself.
This is my intention!